For yogis, many New Year resolutions concentrate on finding the perfect balance as we continue upon our journeys for 2013. But sometimes we overlook the simple, effortless promises we can make ourselves that can have a wonderful impact on the yoga practice, for others and ourselves. Here are some yoga resolutions you may have forgotten to make.
Sharing Your Practice
We all know the ways yoga can transform ourselves, but we forget our power to change the lives of others by sharing our experiences and learnings from our practice. This could be as simple as sharing an “aha!” moment, or your favorite yoga teacher’s class schedule, on Facebook, to donating your time volunteering for a children’s yoga class in schools or teaching a class at your local community center.
Knowing When You’ve Had Enough
Throwing yourself into a long-term yoga commitment can be tiring. And although you might like to see your body after three months of yoga every day, it might not be the best for your sore, working muscles – especially if you’re not used to the strain. Don’t put your desires to achieve before the needs of your body and spirit.
Expressing Thanks
We have to remember that others are riding alongside through our yoga journey. Make sure you give namaste’s where namaste’s are due, by thanking the instructor and your peers. Also, have you ever thought of sending love for your mat with the company? Most importantly, thank yourself for making the time to practice – it makes it much more meaningful.
Cleansing You Can Count On
Cleanses are great, but we often forget how easy it is to do a bit of cleaning without the herbal remedies and food fasts. Use the new year to give your mat a good cleaning, get rid of those yoga accessories you never use, and drink plenty of water before and after classes for a healthier and happier journey in 2013. It’s cheap, easy, and easy to commit to.
You may have already penned your resolutions but thankfully, the New Year is just beginning. Try integrating any of these into your practice now – you never know the joy it could bring!