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4 Ways to Stay Happy And Balanced Through The Holidays

Happiness | Lifestyle

I love fall and winter, Christmas and the whole holiday season but I also understand why some dread this time of year. As calendars fill with parties, shopping, out of town guests and all kinds of obligations, it's easy to get caught up in the hectic energy and thrown off our normal routines. Often, we end up feeling exhausted, stressed out and counting the days to January.

But it doesn't have to be this way! Here are 4 tips for avoiding holiday burn out and feeling happy and well:

1. Remember To Eat Real Food

Once the holiday season hits, so do the sweets. Cookies, pies and cakes seem to be everywhere this time of year. As much as my sweet tooth loves it, I also feel much better when I don't let the snacks, party food and deserts take over completely. Even in a rush, making a green juice, fruit smoothie or veggie stir fry at home will help keep your energy up, feel much less on edge and even sleep better. Bonus feel good points for turning off the t.v., sitting down and eating at the kitchen table and sharing with someone you love.

2. Schedule Down Time

Whether it's for a few hours or an entire day, actually put it on your calendar and let others know you're busy. Then, relax any way you want. Watch your favorite movie, soak in the tub, read a book, sleep – it's your personal quiet, alone, decompress time to help keep you feeling balanced among all the business of the season.

3. Keep Exercise On Your Schedule As Well

It can be harder to fit in time to exercise with everything going on but this is also when it can help us the most. Exercise can help manage stress, it releases endorphins and it will help keep those extra holiday pounds at bay as well! Exercise can also be like meditation in the way that it gives you a time and space to relax and clear your mind. I know that making my morning yoga even more of a priority when I feel life getting busier and more stressful is going to keep me calm, grounded and feeling good.

4. Remember Kindness

The holidays are a good time to practice patience, compassion and kindness. Not only are more people feeling stressed, the holidays can be an emotionally difficult time for many. From random acts of kindness, compassion for another you see struggling or making a donation of time or money to help others in need, now is the time. It's also going to leave you feeling light, happy and all around good!

By all means, enjoy the festivities of this fun time of year – eat, drink and be merry! Using just a little moderation while making sure to take good care of yourself and others throughout this busy time can help you enjoy the season even more. Hope you have a wonderful holiday full of health and happiness!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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