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4 Ways To Bring Restorative Yoga To Your Home

Types of Yoga | Yoga

Yogis all over the world are gravitating towards restorative yoga postures and practices – and for good reason! Restorative yoga is a wonderful tool for your wellness and a great asset for every at home yogi. You can practice a few restorative postures a day or commit to a regular restorative sadhana and still reap powerful benefits. Let’s explore some ways to bring restorative yoga into your home practice.

1. Have A Standalone Restorative Practice

On a weekly basis commit to a standalone restorative practice where you commit 20, 30, 60 minutes to a handful of restorative postures. If you have specific physical or mental intentions that align with the benefits of restorative postures, consider theming your practice to align with this intention – whether it’s rehabbing a hip, feeling more calming in your life, or working to support you overall life intention of being more balanced.

2. Focus In On 1-3 Restorative Postures Per Practice

Select 1-3 restorative postures to focus on as part of your home practice. The postures may be a starting or ending point or may fall somewhere in the middle. Pick postures that align with your overarching intentions and then allow yourself to focus in on the subtly of the relaxation you invite in.

3. Create A Beyond Blissful Restorative Savasana

Savasana is truly an art form and your Savasana experience can range from a 10 minute post-posture meditation to a 20 minute daily practice. You can also use Savasana as an opportunity to dive into a truly restorative posture with the use of props like blankets, bolsters, and eye-pillows to truly transform your experience.

4. Commit To A Restorative Sadhana

Consider committing to a daily Sadhana or practice of restorative postures. You may find that the ease and restful nature of the postures evokes a different sensation and a different sense of discipline in your home practice than other postures.

What technique will you implement this week in order to bring restoration, rejuvenation, and a sense of renewing into your home practice?


Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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