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4 Of Your Yoga Teacher’s Proudest Moments

Teaching Yoga | Yoga

You might not be aware of it, but your yoga teachers are watching you a lot more closely than you think. They notice what you do during class and most of the other things that happen when you are practicing. And often, these situations make them proud. But beware, they might not be what you think!

1. Yoga In General

After this week’s gentle yoga class, a woman who attends sporadically told me that she wants to come more often. She is asthmatic and on the days she comes to yoga, she’s able to skip her breathing treatments. In this case, I’m not proud of myself so much as I’m proud of yoga in general. An asthmatic skipping breathing treatments because of yoga! That’s pretty amazing and a testament to the value of yoga practice, no matter your age or physical condition.

2. Little Compliments

One time a new student ran up to me after class, glowing and effervescent. “You have the most soothing voice in the world! I am definitely coming back!” That was a really nice compliment, and I will keep it in the back of my mind for a confidence-boost whenever I decide to start a podcast.

3. It’s For Me…And You

Another time, a student approached me after class as though she was trying to arrange a drug deal. I had no clue what she was going to say as she leaned in and whispered, trying to keep the conversation private. “Where do you get your bras?” she asked. This is a proudest moment not just because I gave her the details on where to find good sports bras in larger sizes, but because I’m a teacher who represents people who may feel left out of yoga, either by media representations or by the lack of “gear” that works for them. Yes, big-boobed ladies can have a kick-ass yoga practice. Same if you have big thighs, a big stomach, or a big ass. Get yourself a high-quality bra and work it.

4. Being Able To Help

In teacher training, I learned to put a blanket under the forearms for anyone who’s too muscle-bound to relax their arms completely on the floor during Savasana. My trainer insisted that I would frequently have male students who need this assistance, but I hardly had any male students for years. Until I did. There was this poor man in the corner with his forearms and hands just hanging out in space. I ran to the cabinet for a couple blankets and slid them under his arms. He relaxed for a moment, then sat up, made eye contact with me, and said “Thank you!” before settling in to enjoy his Savasana. I could see the relief in his eyes. It’s pretty delightful to know that a detail I remembered for three years made someone’s practice more comfortable.

Those are my proudest moments. What do you think? If you teach, please share your proudest moments in the comments.

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