In the yoga sutras, the very first one is commonly translated as "now begins the study of yoga." Chapter 1 Verse 1 implies that we are ready and accept responsibility for our lives. In other words, no one is "making" us do anything. We are accountable. The shift to taking responsibility for ourselves is a key step in accessing the power of yoga, transforming your life, and living your happiness.
Swami Vivekandanda says, "We are responsible for what we are and whatever we wish ourselves to be. We have the power to make ourselves." Yoga teaches us to be self-reliant. It is well understood when on the mat that to be accountable means we must be aware of what's going on moment by moment. The body does not lie — so while in a pose, it's just us, accepting what we feel.
In the book "Be Happy," Dr. Robert Holden writes about the 3 ways of taking responsibility for your happiness:
1. Self-Awareness
You will always feel like something is missing, you will always feel inadequate until you learn to know yourself better. Life isn't about getting more, it is about being more of who you really are. Authenticity is the perfect antidote to split desires and to negative comparison. And the more real you are with yourself, the more you will realize what you really want.
2. Self-Acceptance
For as long as you do not accept yourself, you will always want more than what you have. If you will not accept that happiness is your true nature, you will search for happiness for the rest of your days. And if by chance you discover some happiness, you will not let yourself enjoy it unless you have learned to accept yourself. The fact is, more of anything or everything will not be enough until you choose to be happy.
3. Self-Accountability
If you think something is missing from your life, it is probably you. The idea that something is missing in your life, in your relationships, in your work is a projection. This projection is based on the fact that you are not fully present. True happiness requires you to participate fully in your life now.
Today, practice these three things and watch your happiness evolve. Hold true to the words of Aristotle "Happiness depends on ourselves."
As a result of accepting responsibility for our own health and happiness, we equally contribute to taking responsibility for the health of this planet. This is the way for us all to work together to promote higher consciousness and peace in our lifetime, and as a lasting legacy to those that come after us.
Love yourself, love your day, love your life, Silvia