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3 Ways To Avoid Burnout In Your Yoga Business

Teaching Yoga | Yoga

You have a dream, a really simple one: to train as a yoga teacher and share your passion with the world. Step one complete: you have your yoga certificate and all the enthusiasm of a little girl going for the first time to Disneyworld. Now what?

You print out flyers, find spaces, talk to yoga studios, send Facebook invites…week after week. Judgment day comes, you are teaching your first proper class and guess what? Five people show up. You work harder, you talk to more people, send more invites, print more flyers. Months pass by.

This is when it happens: burnout hits. Now that your yoga business is running, you end up spending more time running the business than on the mat.

The preconception that your yoga business is an exchange of time versus money leads to exhaustion and lack of motivation. It’s all about leverage. Tap into your inner abundance, and follow a few tricks from fellow entrepreneurs by translating them into a bullet-proof formula for your yoga business—three tricks to be precise.

Want to know them? Here we go:

1. Run Workshops

Instead of having a one-off 2-hour workshop, challenge yourself and create a workshop series. The best way to do this is to step away from Bakasana breakdowns and tap into your unique selling point (USP). Your USP is a set of skills that make you different from any other yoga teacher. Do this exercise and think about a unique area where you hold some expertise that sets you apart.

Do you teach baby yoga classes? Are you a reflexologist? Have you studied Ayurveda? Are you an amazing cook? Make the most of your workshop series (you can even think about turning it into a urban retreat!) and set up a series of four classes for a niche group that has to pre-register and pay for the whole journey.  Create the content once, tweak it along the way, and then you can run it again and again.

2. Give Away For Free

So, how does this relate to gaining financial freedom in your yoga business? By offering free content, videos and sequences, you get to ask people for their contact in return so you can add them to your newsletter. Add a signup box where they have to enter their details to receive the free content, and start sending periodic emails with updates and more information from you.

You will be able to tap into prospective students any time you have a new offer, a workshop series, a special Summer schedule, or offering private classes on discounted rate. Save on flyers, and get straight into people’s inboxes.

3. Take Your Knowledge Online

Creating an online offering means that you can reach and teach people from all of over the world, every day. Make your offer timely, compelling and targeted. Remember your special knowledge – what in marketing we call USP? Design a simple offering around it. A video or a webinar will do.

From then, the sky is the limit: online workshops, ebooks, courses or online programs such as Yogathons are just a few examples of where you can take your online content. You can also offer 1-on-1 consultations via Skype. Start small and build up, by asking your students and taking your workshops online, with the help of a tech-savvy friend or a developer. Remember to let people know about the launch via your newsletter.

Now, repeat after me:

I want to live in abundance. I deserve abundance in my life. I want to make a good living from teaching and to reach financial freedom by offering my skills to the world. Money comes freely and easily to me, all I have to do is to define my unique set of skills and share them with my students.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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