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3 Simple Mantras for the Average Joe (They Will Change Your Life)

Happiness | Lifestyle

A mantra is something that you say repeatedly. Something that sticks in your mind and greatly impacts you and the way you live. It helps you get rid of those anxious feelings that clutter your mind. In fact, it can help you change your life significantly.

Don't believe me? Have a look at the following three sentences and consider repeating one of them over the course of your day…today!

1. Change happens now.

This is a particularly important mantra for those living in the “busiest of busy lives” with the personal contract that “someday I will do that thing that I’ve always meant to do”—you know, that thing that will transform you into the highest version of yourself that you occasionally glimpse while doing the dishes.

Change does not only happen in caves in India, or after studying Asian literature for seven years while consuming only spring water and Tulsi porridge. Transformation is a process, and the most important thing you do in your life is happening as you read these words, which means right now!

Which brings us to the next mantra…

2. Enlightenment is for everyone.

Jesus said this. So did Buddha, and every other enlightened being to ever grace this world. See yourself as light. Radiate that light everywhere, and the world will become enshrouded in light. Every single person can do this—in fact—every single person should do this.

3. The world is not against me.

It should be noted that the popularized Darwinian concept of “survival of the fittest,” actually was a blip in his theoretical radar compared to his observation of the overwhelming interdependence and love that he saw exemplified in all corners of the natural world.

If you require intellectual data to contextualize your personal experience, you might find great opportunity in that thought. When we walk through our life with the mentality of “Me vs. the World,” we receive “Me vs. the World.”

It’s rather en vogue at the moment to aspire towards Abundance Consciousness, yet perhaps our greatest obstacle of living this aspiration is our “Me vs. the World” mentality. See the world as supportive and support you may receive.

This is our purpose. Now go spread it.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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