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25 Life Lessons I’ve Already Learned

Happiness | Lifestyle

As I continue to learn life lessons, I also begin to wonder more about the quality of questions I’m asking. I know that I will never be done learning. And since learning often comes as a result of pain, heartbreak, or tragedy, it is my sincere hope that the lessons become gentler as we work our way through life.

My life philosophy is: "Ancora Imparo — I am still learning." These words, spoken by Michaelangelo as he lay on his deathbed, ring true for my soul development every day. I am happy to note that some lessons have stuck with me, even as I continue to learn and grow.

Sometimes that paradoxical sense of, “the more I learn, the less I know,” rises within me, and I vacillate between a quiet calm and a low-grade anxiety.

Perhaps this list of 25 life lessons can cut down on the suffering part of your learning. I’d like that. Love yourself, love your day, love your life!

1. Life is not fair. Terrible things happen to good people.

2. It is more important to be happy than it is to be right.

3. Winning isn’t everything, whether its getting a promotion, more money, winning the Amazing Race, or getting the most likes on Facebook.

4. Time may not heal all hurts. Some pain lasts a lifetime.

5. Once your basic needs are met, money doesn’t affect your happiness.

6. Fear is learned. It can also be unlearned.

7. Love is the question: Peace is the answer.

8. Truth is the foundation for love and peace.

9. Disorientation is only temporary. Getting lost is not a problem.

10. The antidote to uncertainty is not certainty. You will never have proof before the present moment.

11. Everyone gets angry; sometimes really angry.

12. Be true to yourself. Pretending is not a long-term solution.

13. Learning how to relax is vitally important. Practicing how to do nothing is an art.

14. You are responsible for what you make of your life. The quality depends on you.

15. You are never 100% in control of situations, people or things. You are 100% in control of the way you think about situations, people and things.

16. Pain happens, suffering is optional.

17. Most of our problems are just conditioned habits and stories we make-up in our heads.

18. Over protecting ourselves takes up unnecessary energy.

19. Healthy relationships (romantic and otherwise) require effort, physical touch, and loving kindness.

20. Everyone gets sad.

21. Listening is the heart of healthy communication. Talk less.

22. When all else fails, surrender the need to know, the need to be needed, the need to hold on. Learn how to let go.

23. Practicing gratitude gives you more energy and makes you happier.

24. Making fun a priority keeps you inspired! Have at least one new adventure per year.

25. Life is not a rehearsal. This is it.

What are some of the life lessons you've learned? Share with us below!

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