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12 Best Gifts for a Yogi

Healing | Health

The holiday season is officially upon us. As a yogi, I definitely have to make a conscious effort to balance my desire to give and receive lovely gifts, and to remember that the material possessions are second to the real spirit of the season.

That said, there are always small things that can help take a yogi’s conscious lifestyle to the next level. If you’re baffled about what to get the yogi in your life, check out my list of the 12 best gifts for a yogi.

1. Yoga Pants

Yes, it might sound cliche, but a yogi can truly never have too many yoga pants. Getting the right fit and length for your body can be a challenge. If you can, check out the ones that your yogi already has and buy more by the same brand. I really like the conscious brands, Teeki and Prana, and have had a lot of success with bargains at Old Navy .

2. A Punny Yoga Shirt

Whether you want to “nama-stay on the couch” or "go namascray" as you “move your asana,” there is no shortage of punny yoga apparel these days. I for one love this idea and have a growing collection of my own. Yogis love humor so don’t be afraid to give a more lighthearted gift.

3. A New Mat

A mat is the foundation of the yoga asana practice, and a good mat makes all the difference. This is definitely a more expensive gift, but one that will be so appreciated. My favorite brands are Prana, Manduka, and Jade Yoga, but there are so many quality mats out there.

If you’re not sure what your yogi likes, go with a gift card to a yoga brand that you know they like and let them pick their own.

4. A Class Pass

One of the hardest things about keeping up a yoga practice is finding a good, affordable studio. If your yogi has a favorite studio or you can get a good recommendation, a class pass or monthly pass is a wonderful, generous gift.

5. An Essential Oil Kit and Diffuser

Keeping the sense of calm going after a yoga class is hard. Essential oils are a wonderful way to bring tranquility into your home or workspace. There are lots of starter kits out there that give you a sampling of oils and come with a diffuser as well. One of my favorites is Doterra. You can also skip the diffuser—the oils can be used my many amazing ways on their own.

6. Books, Books, Books

As I get deeper into my own yoga practice, I am constantly seeking out the wisdom of those who came before me. One of the best ways to stay committed to yoga practice and a yogic lifestyle is to be a constant learner.

Some of my favorite books are Yoga Girl by Rachel Brathen, Perfectly Imperfect: The Art and Soul of Yoga Practice by Baron Baptiste, Miracles Now by Gabrielle Bernstein, The Woman's Book of Yoga and Health: A Lifelong Guide to Wellness by Linda Sparrowe, A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, Yoga Gems by George Feuerstein Ph.D.and 1,001 Pearls of Yoga Wisdom by Liz Lark.

You can find more awesome book recommendations for yogis here.

7. Props for a Home Practice

One of the wonderful things about practicing in a studio is the use of props, which can take yoga poses to the next level. Gifting the yogis in your life with yoga props for their home practice is an awesome way to help them build on their practice. Blocks, blankets, bolsters, straps, and eye pillows are a great place to start.

8. A Tibetan Singing Bowl

These ornate bowls are used in meditation and are a great gift for yogis who are invested in the spiritual side of the practice. They can be found at a lot of metaphysical bookshops and online.

9. A Journal

A lot of emotions come up during yoga classes, and a yogi needs a place to express them. Journaling can be very therapeutic and can also be a creative outlet, so why not make this experience even more enjoyable by using a nice journal? Find your yogi a nice, solid journal with a visually pleasing cover that speaks to their individuality.

10. Barefoot Yoga Rug

A bit different from a mat, these yoga rugs are great for the adventurous yogi. They are perfect for outdoor yoga practices, and work much better on sand and grass than typical mats. They also fold up better than mats and are much easier to throw in your suitcase.

11. A Good, Non-Plastic Water Bottle

A good water bottle may seem like a boring gift, but it really is considered a yoga essential, especially for those who love hot yoga. I recently acquired a Klean Kanteen insulated water bottle, and it was a total game changer. Having my water stay cool for hours is one of the simple joys of my days. Another great option is the Hydro Flask.

12. Buddhi Box

So this one is actually multiple gifts, but who doesn’t want a gift that keeps on giving! This subscription is a monthly gift box that delivers yoga accessories to your home. Your yogi will be thrilled to receive a subscription to this awesome service.

Hopefully this list will provide a little insight and spark ideas for the perfect gift for the yogi in your life. Even if it isn’t just what they want, the good thing about yogis is that they’ll receive it with compassion either way. Happy holidays, everyone!

Image credit: Loren Peta

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