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10 Yogis in Their Natural Habitats (PHOTOS)

Happiness | Lifestyle

Here at DOYOU, we love it when members share the love with photos of themselves whether they are achieving new feats, laughing at mistakes, taking yoga on their travels, or just practicing with the kids.

Today's inspiration comes from the DOYOU community in it's varied and natural habitats. Thank you all for sharing, and give us a holler if you see your own picture! How do you take yoga out into your surroundings? Add your photos in the comment section!

1. Daniela shows us how a yogi leans up against a tractor–by flipping up into Handstand!

Tractor Handstand

2. Doesn't every city need more trees? Eliza stacks hers up with the skyscrapers.

Tree in the Skyscrapers

3. This is how Angelic Linguist fits a quick inversion into his busy day.

Carpark inversion

4. Minnie knows just how to get off her feet for a quick break.

Hospital Handstand

5. Raquel takes a beach break to blend her yoga with some local art.


6. How do you both get your yoga practice in and add to the beauty of a city's architecture? Alisha's stellar arm balance is one great way!

Arm Balance in the City

7. Most surfers spend the day on top of their boards, but Georgie switches that up with her Wheel Pose.

Wheel Pose with Surfboard

8. Lovi Moment does yoga with her surf board too! They can do Headstands together!

Surfboard Headstands

9. Julio ditches his shoe and displays his balancing prowess to complement his surroundings.

Yoga and Architecture

10. Out and about in Seoul? Follow Emma's lead and strike a pose!

Dancer's Pose

Thanks to everyone for sharing these wonderful photos! We could all use a little more yoga love, so let us know how you find your opportunities to strike a pose in the comment section!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
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