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10 Simple Ways To Celebrate Earth Day

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

Yogis, let’s celebrate Earth Day! But wait, have you even heard of Earth day?

For most people it goes under the radar, unnoticed and uncelebrated. In a society where we honor each other with celebrating birthdays, Mothers/Fathers Day, Christmas, etc., let’s come together and honor the earth that allows us to eat, breathe, love and exist. Here are 10 simple ways you can celebrate this Earth Day!

1. Keep The Car In The Garage

How about leaving the car at home and walking, cycling or using public transport even just for today? Perhaps it’s walking the kids to school instead of driving them, or you might opt to cycle to yoga. It may take you a little more time but you’ll get to enjoy the fresh air, teach the kids about nature on the way to school, or read a book on the train or bus. Who knows, you might enjoy it so much it becomes a regular thing!

2. Practice Yoga Outdoors

Ask your yoga teacher or local studio to offer classes outdoors. Fresh air, a natural setting, no butts in your face and no need for electricity. Ending the class with a meditation and offering a little love and gratitude to the earth would be a beautiful way to complete this natural yoga experience.

If you’re new to meditation and not sure where to start, I recommend this free 30-Day Meditation Challenge (which you can also do outdoors!) and enjoy guaranteed doses of calmness every day.

3. Recycle

As Voltaire says, “no snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible,” yet where would the avalanche be without each snowflake? In the same way, our individual and seemingly small habits can combine to have a powerful effect — and recycling is a great example of this. Get the kids involved too and help create some positive habits for generations to come!

4. Invest In A Reusable Coffee Cup

For the price of a couple of lattes, you can buy yourself a reusable cup which means you won’t be adding to the large pile of coffee-related rubbish. Earth Day is the perfect “excuse” to form a new habit that could save 5 cups and lids over the course of a work week, which is around 300 over the course of a year!

5. The Big Turn Off

Did anyone else’s mum ever bang on about turning off appliances or lights when you were a child? Chances are she was trying to save money on the power bill, but money isn’t the only thing you’ll be saving. For today, try turning off appliances at the wall when you’re not using them, or switching off lights when you leave the room. It sounds so simple but still worth mentioning as it still takes conscious effort!

6. Unplug The TV

Relax, it’s only one day! Following on from the previous point, why not keep the TV switched off all day? By making it a ‘no TV’ day, you’ll have some extra time to connect with nature in some way. Enjoy a walk, get some fresh air, and appreciate your natural environment. Perhaps take the family for a picnic in the park, or collecting shells at the beach and encourage everyone to think about the earth and how magnificent it is.

7. Get Planting

Today’s the day to take the plunge and create a veggie patch. You’ll not only be eliminating the carbon emissions that are involved in getting produce to plate, you’ll also be able to enjoy fresh, organic produce whilst saving some money. If you find the idea of a veggie patch daunting or if you have limited outdoor space, you could start by planting some fresh herbs or a couple of lettuces in a bucket — or for a rustic look, an old wine barrel.

8. Use Earth-Friendly Cleaning Products

It’s easy to just keep using chemical-laden cleaning products without giving it a thought, so try being really conscious about what you are using to clean with. Having to wear gloves and being advised to not breathe in the fumes should be a sign that what you’re using is not a healthy option.

We all want our homes to be clean and germ-free, but we don’t need to rely on chemicals to achieve that. There are many cost-effective, green-friendly options to choose from and today’s the day to give them a go. If you are really resistant to spending extra money on cleaning products, then why not do some research into cleaning with fresh lemon juice or vinegar water.

9. BYO Grocery Bags

Making the effort to put reusable shopping bags in your car (or in your bag if you’re observing point #1) could start a new habit that would reduce the use of plastic bags. I’m sure I don’t need to mention how horrid they are for the environment.

There are so many nifty reusable bags that fold up to a teeny tiny size, making earth-friendly shopping easy and convenient. If you don’t want to spend money on reusable bags, take an extra backpack or duffel bag and leave those plastic bags behind.

10. Be A Vegetarian For A Day

Some of us love meat, some of us detest it, and some of us just go along with the flow of what appears on the plate. Today why not make a conscious choice to say no to meat and try some of the mouth-watering vegetarian options out there.

The excessive demand for meat creates an excessive strain on environmental resources, and the more we ask for, the more our planet suffers. A quick search online will give you tons of easy and delicious vegetarian recipes, so for one day why not give it a go! And if you really can’t go without meat for a whole day, at least commit to having one of your meals today be a vegetarian meal.

How are you celebrating and honoring the earth this Earth Day? Share your ideas in the comments section below!

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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