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10 Perks of Traveling Solo

Lifestyle | Travel

Traveling alone in a foreign country might sound intimidating, but solo travel can truly be the best gift you ever give yourself.

Traveling solo is a life-changing experience—it’s an opportunity to make new friends, immerse yourself in the local culture, and get acquainted with the most genuine parts of yourself.

But branching out and gaining self-insight aren’t the only benefits to traveling alone. There are plenty of unexpected perks of traveling solo that are just too awesome to pass up.

1. Eat Whatever You Want—Whenever You Want—Without Judgment

10 Perks of Travelling Solo-1

Gelato for breakfast? Why not?

2. Master the Art of the Selfie

Image Credit: Daily Mail Image Credit: Daily Mail

Bonus points for selfies taken in unreasonably risky places!

3. Become Best Friends with Complete Strangers

Credit: Blueprint Interactive

“We’ve been best friends for like 36 hours now!”

4. Wake Up On Your Own Schedule

Image Credit: Having Time Image Credit: Having Time

Is there anything better than waking up without an alarm? No. No there’s not.

5. Skip Your Friend’s Boring (or clichéd) Bucket List

Image Credit: Flight Site Travel Blog Image Credit: Flight Site Travel Blog

Don’t want to spend all day getting the perfect forced perspective shot of the Eiffel Tower? Now you don’t have to!

6. Re-Wear Your Clothes Without Anyone Noticing

Image Credit: WBSM Image Credit: WBSM

Those yoga pants totally smell clean enough to wear again. Besides, you’ll never see most of these people again!

7. Learn to Be Mindful in Any Circumstance

Image Credit: Yoga Vibes Image Credit: Yoga Vibes

Mindfulness is great for those “I’m lost and no one speaks my language” moments you’ll encounter during your travels.

8. Avoid Annoying Conversation at Mealtimes

Image Credit: Yoga Vibes Image Credit: Drty Lndry

“Where do you wanna eat?” “I don’t know. Where do you want to eat!?”

9. Bragging Rights

Credit: Worldette

“Yeah, I totally did Bangkok on my own—it was no big deal.”

10. Find a New Perspective That Can Last a Lifetime

Image Credit: Grrl Traveler Image Credit: Grrl Traveler

If you can travel the world on your own, you can do just about anything.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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