When you live to be more than a hundred years old, you tend to gain a lot of wisdom along the way. That is certainly true for Clifford Crozier, Amelia Tereza Harper, and John Millington Denerley, all of whom have lived to celebrate their hundredth birthdays—and then some!
Check out this incredible video where they share what they’ve learned, what they regret, and their advice for a long, happy life.
Age is Just a Number: Advice for a Long Life
While there’s no single factor that will make you live to a ripe old age, the one thing these three centenarians have in common is their positive attitude about the past, the present, and even the future. Every life comes with hardships, and Mr. Crozier, Mr. Denerley, and Ms. Harper are no exceptions.
Both Mr. Crozier and Mr. Denerley served in World War II, and Ms. Harper tragically lost two of her three children in their early childhoods. But despite their struggles, all three of these centenarians look back on their lives with incredible fondness, and surprisingly few regrets.
But it’s not just their fond memories that keeps them going each day. All three enjoy the little things in life, such as going shopping, visiting the seaside, or the occasional spot of whiskey. They all look forward to the future, too. “I’m not going yet,” Ms. Harper said. “I’m still strong.”
Mr. Crozier agreed. “One hundred and one is just a number,” he said. “You live for the day.” Mr. Denerley had some advice about aging you might not expect. “Keep up with the times,” he said, and he does exactly that. He even finds enjoyment in online grocery shopping! But most importantly, he makes sure to live each day by his motto, “Keep on going to the end of the road.”
Make sure to watch the entire video to hear these amazing centenarians talk about their incredible lives, their life lessons and regrets, and their advice for people of all ages.
Video credit: Lifehunters