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Vancouver Now Has Reggae Yoga Classes

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

One of Vancouver’s first-ever reggae yoga classes was held recently at a Vancouver nightclub. Although it may seem odd to see the words “yoga” and “nightclub” in the same sentence, Fortune Sound Club was apparently the perfect location for the new fusion, which incorporates the rhythm of reggae music into the flow of yoga for an energetic experience.

Danielle Hoogenboom, owner of local studio Love Light Yoga, led the class, which is described on her website as “bringing the bass straight to your mat, the riddims right into your heart, and the dub directly to the brain.”

Using a combination of Vinyasa and Yin yoga—a softer, more passive type of yoga in which the poses are held for several minutes—reggae yoga is designed to be uplifting and positive.

Combining Yoga and Reggae

According to ClubZone, Hoogenboom has been combining reggae and yoga in her studio for over seven years, although it wasn’t until last year that she started officially teaching reggae yoga classes.

“I’ve loved reggae for a really long time,” she told the Province. “Yoga and reggae are two of the utmost conscious practices—put them together and you’ve got a powerful force.”

The classes begin with flowing, dynamic Vinyasa poses, then transition into slower Yin poses, with a break in the middle for a reggae dance party. During reggae yoga, participants are encouraged to break the “rules” of yoga, including the traditional rule of silence.

“It’s more about the feeling and the energy,” said Hoogenboom to the Province. “You want to leave here feeling positive and strong, not with your (butt) kicked and tired.”

Reggae’s generally slow tempo, heavy bass, and offbeat rhythms should appeal to yogis who like relaxing music with their practice; at the same time, reggae is definitely a little more lively than the type of music usually played in traditional yoga classes, providing interest for those who like a more “energetic” practice.

What do you think? Would you try reggae yoga, or is too much music distracting to your practice?

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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