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These Naked Yoga Photos are Absolutely Stunning

Happiness | Lifestyle

Naked yoga may seem like it would be a whole lot of awkward, but these photos prove that assumption wrong.

Nude Yoga Girl, whose website and Instagram conceal her true identity, is posting some truly stunning naked yoga photos. According to her website, the 25-year-old model and photographer does all her own work, from the lighting to the Photoshopping (editing all the “necessary” bits out).

Body Positivity Through Photos

What makes her channel even better, though, is that with each picture she posts, she has an inspiring message to go with it. It’s great to see such awesome messages of body positivity and acceptance spread around.

Nude Yoga Girl 1

Nude Yoga Girl 2

Her blog, which covers everything from life stories, to tips on advanced yoga poses, is full of awesome advice and musings on beauty and how it functions in society.

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Nude Yoga Girl 4

So if you’re looking for an extra bit of beauty in your day, or need a quick pick-me-up, check out Nude Yoga Girl’s Instagram or website. We’ll definitely give her a follow!

Nude Yoga Girl 5

Nude Yoga Girl 6

Do you love these photos as much as we do? Do they inspire you to get on your mat? Share your thoughts with us below!

Check out this free Bikini Body Challenge and remember that it’s not about turning your body into a certain size and shape. Like what Nude Yoga Girl does, it’s simply celebrating what your body can do—all while making you stronger, fitter, and more able to take on life’s challenges.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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