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Russell Simmons Wants lululemon to Stop Using Down

Happiness | Lifestyle

Russell Simmons, co-founder of Def Jam Recordings and hip-hop icon is calling on yoga clothing company lululemon to stop using goose down in their products.

Citing the principle of ahimsa, or nonviolence, Simmons, along with PETA, sent a letter to lululemon asking them to be a little more yogic.

Cruelty-Free Alternatives

The production of goose down is notoriously cruel, with some geese being plucked alive for their down, or violently killed. It's this cruelty that Simmons wants lululemon to stop endorsing, and instead is asking them to switch to cruelty-free synthetics.

Simmons says in his letter, "Since I’m an avid yoga practitioner, lululemon is one of my favorite places to shop. I was disappointed, though, to learn that some of your brand’s outerwear contains down feathers… I encourage lululemon to switch to cruelty-free synthetics instead.”

Lululemon has said in response that they don't use down from birds that have been plucked alive or force-fed for fois gras, but this can be difficult to track.

A Better World

What is yoga for, if not to make our world better? The eight limbs are there to guide us on our way through life, and ahimsa is one of the principles that many yogis follow. If people and companies start to follow some of the eight limbs, even just bit by bit, our world will become a better place for everyone.

What do you think about Russell Simmons' letter to lululemon? Do you think they should change their outerwear? Share with us below!

Source: PETA

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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