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How to Win at Instagram Yoga in One Simple Step (Illustrated)

Happiness | Lifestyle

If you’re reading this blog post, you are probably of the “modern yogi” variety. And if you are of the modern yogi variety, it is likely safe to assume that you are well aware of the massive yoga network on instagram. With such a huge number of yogis on instagram these days it can be difficult to find your feet – particularly when the vast majority of “famous” instagram yogis are continually posting images of themselves doing handstands in some of the most exotic locations in the world!

I am a Real Yogi.

I practice every day in my lounge (in front of a purple sheet which my husband erected) and I share my practice exactly as it is. The other day however, I received a (well-meaning) instagram comment from someone telling me to “loose the purple sheet – your instagram feed would be much better if you had more beach yoga photos like this one” – the comment was left on a “beach yoga” picture I had taken on holiday whilst in Australia. I totally agree!

The Problem is…

I live in London. About 2000 miles from any kind of exotic tropical location and for approximately 200 days of the year it’s pitch black. Unfortunately with the rise of instagram yoga – we are slowly conditioning ourselves to believe that if it’s not done on a beach, it’s not real yoga at all.

beach yoga

In a desperate attempt to be a “real yogi” I called up my local party shop and asked if they would help out with a beach scene for me – and lucky enough, they happily obliged! I am now able to practice real yoga every day on my own personal beach and I am happy to inform you that my yoga instagram account is looking much more authentic.

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The One Epic Tip to Win at Instagram Yoga

In light of this, I thought I would share my one epic tip for how to win at Instagram Yoga: Find yourself an exotic beach!

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If you are not able to find yourself an exotic beach location – fear not! I am very happy to provide you with a DIY solution! Firstly select your desired location from the options below:

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Next, print out a picture of yourself in your FAVOURITE yoga posture. Grab a pair of scissors and proceed to cut out the posture as neatly as you can.

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Finally, insert yourself into your yoga location and share to instagram using as many hashtags as you possibly can.

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#mountainpose #itsnotreallymountainpose #ironic #badyogi #yogaonamountain #mountainyogapose #deathdefyingyoga #antigravityyoga #hikingyoga #tablemountain #huntergather #huntingandgatheringandyogaing #yogahigh #touchthesky #feelings

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#waterfallyoga  #outdooryoga #yogaeverywhere #yogaonariver #exoticlocationyoga #realyoga #travelyogi #travelyogiinawaterfall #waterfallingyoga #waterfallpose #dancersposeinawaterfall #wateryoga #yogawater #chakras

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#sunsetyoga #sunset #followme #likeforlikes #mylegisbisectingthesun #deepetchinggonebad #designerproblems #lols #paradise #inspirational #themostinspirational #inspirationalsunsetblossoms #blossomyourheartinthesunset #makeyourownhashtags #freespirit #freepeople #freefollowforfollow


#yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaeverydamndayexceptonPMSdays #yogainameadow #green #eatgreen #eatclean #eatgrass #grassyyoga #snowga #dontworrynobodyreadsthese #outdooryoga #thesoundofmusic #thehillsarealive #followme

That’s all for today – and now if you’ll excuse me, there’s a beach that’s calling my name.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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