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How To Stop The Downward Spiral On Your Yoga Mat

Happiness | Lifestyle

Yoga is a very personal experience, sometimes in a very public place. Yoga is personal, intimate and something that can change your entire life. Yoga is all about getting to know yourself deeply. It's difficult and effortless all at the same time. Most times we are bombarded by the wrong message. The message is that there is only one way to do a pose. There is as many ways to practice the ancient art of yoga as there are yoga teachers and people. Each practice and each pose has its own expression, intention and purpose. Each time you come to your mat it's a new opportunity to get closer to your true nature and to live to your highest intention. There is no full expression of the pose there is only your expression of the pose.

These are 4 simple tips for keeping your practice all about you…

1. Set Your Focus

Set a simple intention for your practice. Keep it to yourself and make it a personal journey.

2. Practice Gratitude

Not everyone has the ability to practice yoga. No all of us can move when we want and how we want. It's a blessing to have a space, a time and a desire to practice yoga. Each time we breathe is a gift. Life is a gift, be it good or bad!

3. Let Go

Practice without holding on to the outcome. Don’t force or push yourself. Keep your expectations small. Start with just breathing in and out, nothing more nothing less. The rest will come. I find when we let go of the outcome everything falls into place.

4. Be Kind To Yourself

Practice ahimsa. Non-violence starts at home. Loving yourself is a difficult thing to do but it is an important thing to do. Start by taking your time, setting your focus, being honest and letting go. If you follow your breath and be kind to yourself the rest of the practice will fall into place.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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