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“Faces of Yoga” Shows the Funnier Side of Yoga

Happiness | Lifestyle

Have you ever felt like you were the only one in your yoga class who wasn't in a state of complete bliss? Have you made strange faces while trying to twist yourself into Eagle Pose?

Then Faces of Yoga may be the book for you.

The Faces We Make in Class

Faces 3

Faces of intense concentration or that moment in between postures aren't usually what we see on Instagram. The true craziness of the faces we make in yoga class are on full view in this new coffee table book.

Creator Jonas Sargent wanted to capture "uncomfortable photos of people in strange positions," since he was always so self-conscious and aware of how he looked during yoga class, and how different that looked from the typical Instagram photos on display.

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Faces 4

Sargent has traveled to different yoga studios in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Berlin, Germany to capture these different pictures. So far, he's taken around 60 different photos.

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Faces 9

So the next time you're in class, and you're really focused on your alignment in Warrior II, don't worry about whatever insane faces you may be making! Your neighbor is probably making them, too.

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Faces 10

I don't know about you, but this book perfectly captures the way I feel in yoga class in all it's awkward glory.

Which one is your favorite? Share with us below!

Sources: SoBadSoGood and The Telegraph

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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