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9 AcroYoga Instagram Accounts You Should Follow

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

We love to watch these super star yogis and acrobats partner up and form meditative shapes, transition to and from flight mode, and generally sweep each other off their feet. It’s a whole sub community in the yoga world that is awe-inspiring, creative, and just plain juicy!

Briohny and Dice took the web by storm with their AcroYoga Equinox video years ago, and since then there has been an explosion of opportunities to learn, participate and watch Acroyoga as it grows in popularity.

You can get your daily fix and become a part of that community by following some of the many Acroyoga Instagram accounts out there! Here are just a few:

1. @jordothegreat

A photo posted by Jordan (@jordothegreat) on

In need of some inspiration? Or a friendly smiling face? Check out @Jordothegreat from San Diego on Instagram for some fun acro videos and static holds.

2. @acroyogurt


Hello to the tastiest Insta-yoga name ever! @acroyogurt!? Creamy, delicious, and an off-the-cards temptation for many of us! Photographer Daniel DeArco embraces the art in the postures and movements themselves, but each post is also a piece of art; sharp, crisp, and mindful.

3. @yogijoe

With incredible feats in his own yoga practice, the partner yoga and acro shots that fill his Instagram page are fun-filled and awe-inspiring. We particularly love the group shots!

4. @maxandlizacro


These vegan dietitians get super playful everywhere they go. Their shots have stunning colorful backgrounds, and boy oh boy are they insta-popular!

5. @acrowithjohn

A photo posted by Jon Rea (@acrowithjon) on

This page is always fun and playful. @acrowithjon plays with all our favorite yogi stars and is full of fun variations of traditional acro holds- and some new ones we haven’t seen before!

6. @acroyogacentral & 7. @acroyoga


A photo posted by AcroYoga (@acroyoga) on

A collection of tagged acro shots from around the world get reposted or featured at these 2 acro yoga hubs. Get a real flavor for what is new and fresh in the delightful world of acrobatic yoga by following them both on Instagram ASAP. Hey, maybe you can tag your own photos and get featured yourself!

8. @acrobuddhasa


This cute acro duo offers classes, retreats and performances. They are not to be missed on your morning instagram scan.

9. @acro_calisthenics

Calisthenics and acro are a great combo and have a lot in common, so we adore watching this Instagram account unfold lots of scrummy partner yoga movements and training exercises!

Partner yoga is a wonderful thing to get involved in and share with friends, family and often playful strangers too. These are just a few of our favorite acroyoga Instagram accounts, there are plenty more out there to illuminate your curiosity and satisfy your craving!

Image Credit: Alissa Kepas

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