Isn’t it just a big slice of the yogi dream, to magically find a partner you can share your practice with?
Someone you don’t need to bribe to come to class with you, someone that understands your drive to get to your mat each day, someone who you could even teach alongside and play in intimate partner yoga poses with… ah bliss.
For some special yogis, this dream is a reality, and there is something so romantic, and strong, and delicious about all those yoga couples out there, so we decided to shine a pink-hued, heart-shaped spotlight on a few of our favorites!
1. Briohny Smyth and Dice Iida-Klein
They won us over years ago with their spectacular Acro Yoga By Equinox video and have continued to make us swoon as their family has grown, so it goes without saying that the king and queen of pop– yoga are the top of our yummy yogi couples list!
2. The Acrobutts (Roxy and Benmo) – @Acrobutts
A light-hearted couple that reminds us the importance of love and play, cheerfully springing up into clever shapes that incorporate their surroundings everywhere they go. Plus laugh out loud commentary, and who doesn’t like to LOL!
3. Cheetah and Rhiann Platt – @epicacro
We love these self proclaimed “Acrobats and romantic explorers” and all the inspiring photos of their yoga journey together.
4. Kirsten and Brandon – @Acroadventures
These two sweet Colorado yogis have some epic and inspiring moves and some pretty heart warming captions and quotes about life and love too.
5. Honza and Claudine Lafond – @yogabeyond
Another ACROVINYASA couple that we so luckily get to watch grow into a bigger family. These two love-birds have been inspiring us for quiet sometime with their world travel and playful partner yoga pop ups at some awesome landmarks across the globe.
6. Carson Clay Calhoun and Rocio Sanchez – @carsonclaycalhoun and @onthecountofthree
It's so refreshing to see a couple in the yoga world who isn't so much about the perfectly captured asana photos! They keep it real AND fun by showing the real, clumsy, funny side of things — and the adorable video above is proof!
7. Chris Knoles and Roxy Christenson – @Wildacroduo
These two make our list based on the stunning array of colorful acro yoga photos displayed on their Instagram account. From stand up paddle yoga through to hot air balloon tricks and giant tree trunk back grounds.
8. Troy and Ellery - @partnersinyoga
"May there be just enough clouds in your life to create a glorious sunset." ~ unknown ???? A photo posted by Troy and Ellery (@partnersinyoga) on
Here's a pair of teachers allowing yoga to make their own relationship stronger and then guiding others to do the same.
So there you have it, some of our favorite yoga couples all loved up and stretched out! Do you know or follow other yoga couples that you find adorable and inspiring? Share in the comments below!