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6 Simple Steps To Make Your Day Better

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

How does yoga change you? Let us count the ways; it reduces stress, keeps you limber, and can lower your blood pressure. And all that is just a very small part of what yoga can do for you. But if you look at your life as a whole, yoga can do so much more. Yoga can help you tune into the world around you with a new sense of gratitude.

Be Present and See The Bigger Picture

Yoga affects the bigger picture of your life. It allows you to live in real time by teaching you how to be present in each moment through the power of our breath. Yoga teaches us that what is going on in the present moment is our breath, and that is what truly keeps us grounded in our crazy busy lives.

As ironic as it may sound, the first step to reducing your stress levels is learning to live in the now! You can’t change the past, and the future is anyone’s guess… so be here now!

Practicing yoga also makes you more conscious of the world around you, and more physically aware of how you are feeling. You can now be more sensitive to how you interact and react to the things going on in your life. Instead of allowing your temper to get the best of you, or throwing a tantrum, you will remember to just breathe.

Yoga helps you cultivate an inner peace and understanding of yourself. Yoga gives you the tools to manage your stress and yoga can help you live more skillfully. Yoga can make you feel alive!

So next time you are having a craptastic day. Here is how you turn it around:

  1. Stop what you are doing and take a seat.
  2. Spread your toes.
  3. Lift your heart.
  4. Take a deep, cleansing breath.
  5. Take another and another- tell yourself "I am inhaling I am exhaling" do that for 5 minutes.
  6. Open your eyes and see how your world has changed and notice how you feel.

These 6 steps are just a small example of how yoga can change your life. Why not give it a try? You only have stress to lose.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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