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5 Ways To Stay Whole While Being Pulled In A Million Different Directions

Yoga | Yoga for Beginners

I don’t know about you but my days rarely center around one certain thing. I am constantly juggling a million balls in the air at any given time. I am a mother of two small boys with two very different, and BIG, personalities and interests. I am a soccer mom, taxi driver, referee, swimming coach, homework expert, and a very bad French language teacher. I’m also a wife, cook, laundress, and housekeeper. That’s not all, and then there’s my day job. I am a yoga studio owner, Yoga teacher, writer, small business owner, social media goddess, part time psychologist and full time problem solver. In my business, I am a dumping ground that most people use for their problems, real or imagined. My two university courses in psychology ( I took a business degree) have come in very handy. Just call me superwoman, mom, wife, entrepreneur, trailblazer, social butterfly and yoga teacher.

Here are five tips that keep me motivated and sane!

1. Compartmentalize

The greatest gift for my sanity to stay focused. It is important to do only one thing at a time. It is all you can do. Just one first foot in front of the other and keep breathing. It will all get done eventually and if not oh well!

2. Prioritize

Make a list! ( There are apps for that) Quit multitasking, it doesn’t work! Figure out what’s important and what is time sensitive and put those activities at the top of your list. Things have a way of getting themselves done if you put them in the right order. ( It helps to delegate when possible) If people offer to help take IT!

3. Block Out Your Distractions

or make them work for you! Concentrate on concentrating. In the practice of yoga we call this Dharana. Dharana is the practice of true concentration. It is the practice of contemplation. Create a singular focus and allow it to be your meditation. Once you have completed the task reward yourself with some down time with the distraction of choice( I.e. Facebook, Twitter, internet surfing or watching Sons of Anarchy)

4. Say no!

Be honest with yourself and others. If you don’t want to or can’t complete the task just don’t do it. Nothing adds more stress to your life, and pulls your attention away from more important endeavors are taking on a tasks you can’t do. Saying no also allows you to take some time off.

5. Kick Energy Vampires To The Curb

Cut lose people who make unrealistic demands on your time and energy ( your kids excluded of course) There are lots of people out there who are looking to take advantage of someone as creative and focused as you are. Know who you are, what you have to offer and what your value is and stick to it. Stay away from people who drag you down.

We all only have 24 hours in each day…how will you value your time and your sanity?

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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