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4 Reasons Why Everyone Should Know How To Cook

Happiness | Lifestyle

Some of my earliest culinary memories are of making ice cream with my dad on my parents’ back porch as a kid. We’d handpick the biggest, juiciest strawberries from a farm near our home and then stop at the local dairy for fresh cream (only the best ingredients!). Since then, cooking has always been a part of my life, but it wasn’t until I started culinary school that I began to truly appreciate it.

Now, I’m by no means suggesting that everyone needs to go to culinary school, but perhaps a cooking class, or get that friend who cooks really well to walk you through some basic techniques. I can guarantee it will enrich your life and below are my 4 reasons why:

1) When You Cook Your Own Food, You Know Exactly What You’re Eating

This one’s pretty simple. Have a chocolate chip cookie craving to satisfy? As opposed to reaching for the pre-packaged baked goods that are chock full o’ hard-to-pronounce ingredients at your local market, you can make a batch yourself. You’ll know exactly what has gone into the scrumptious treats and can use whole, natural ingredients so you know you’re getting the best of the best.

2) You Contribute To Others’ Health And Well-Being

What’s better than helping others to live longer, healthier lives? My mom always stressed the importance of eating healthy, wholesome meals. How did she ensure we followed her advice? She prepared delicious, healthy meals for us when we were kids. We never drank soda, “treats” were often a bowl of fresh fruit, and we were all healthier (and happier) for it.

3) You Enjoy Great Food Even More

Now, I’ll be the first to tell you, I love going out to eat. It’s always been a favorite pastime of mine – trying out new restaurants, new cuisines – it’s so exciting! As I continue to develop my culinary skills, though, I’ve begun to enjoy really great food even more.

Once you’ve got the basics down, it’s easier to identify excellent execution of dishes and the balancing of flavors. You better understand what went into making the dish you’re enjoying and you have all the more respect for the talented people who prepared it.

4) Cooking Is Incredibly Rewarding

To date, I’ve never felt as much satisfaction as I do when I leave the kitchen after working a shift at one of my school’s public dinners. It’s an incredible feeling to see the evolution of a meal from a few boxes of ingredients into beautifully plated, delicious dishes. Plus, overhearing the guests rave about their meal is the icing on the cake. It’s hard work, but so worth it.

So, what do you think? Want to learn how to cook? Or, if you’re already a wiz in the kitchen, why do you enjoy it?

Image Credit: The365Blog

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