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3 Empowering Questions to Get Clarity on Your Business or Career

Happiness | Lifestyle

I hit a massive wall this week. I have this funky habit of focusing on what I want to create, and by what date. I set clear, accountable goals with nice-colored pens (because those definitely help with goal-setting).

I needed clarity, so I got on the phone with one of my mastermind buddies and I let it out. She asked me a really simple question:

“If you had 10 million dollars in your bank, would you still be doing XYZ?"

Going through all of the little things I work on, I realized I was ready to let go of my core coaching offer. I know I am pretty darn good at it, but it's not where my heart is anymore. I needed more clarity in my business, which has been so foggy over the past few months.

After that chat, I grabbed a piece of paper and answered three, simple and empowering questions, for any entrepreneur looking to expand their zone of genius and create a ripple effect in the world.

1. Who are you in the world?

I used to be adverse to labels, but I see a really strong connection with the labels themselves and your own identity, if picked carefully. I am a Freedom Lifestyle Coach—this is what I do, and how I help people. Prioritize according to what you do first that leads to the other things you do.

2. What’s the purpose of your work?

Why are you really, truly doing what you’re doing? (As we know, it rarely comes down to making big bucks.)

Think about freedom, abundance, love, travel. What are you most passionate about? What can you be the best in the world at?

Having a real passion for what you do will keep you motivated even when times are tough. If you love what you do, you’re less likely to burn out or throw in the towel.

3. What are your core values?

Your unique value is the real secret to your success in life. It is what you alone have to offer the world that solves a specific problem—the offer that people will pay you for to get a specific result.

This is a skill set that comes naturally and effortlessly to you. When you develop these strengths and talents, your skill set grows exponentially.

Answer these questions, and let the magic unfold. In this one life, you have to make the most of your strengths and harness your potential so you can be part of that 5% that is changing the world on a daily basis. Now, THAT's empowering.

Featured in New York Magazine, The Guardian, and The Washington Post
Featured in the Huffington Post, USA Today, and VOGUE

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